Silverdale Village Institute

Who we are

The Silverdale Village Institute is a charity run for the inhabitants of the village of Silverdale in North Lancashire. It owns a hall and field which is available for hire for one off events e.g. parties, a series of events e.g. classes or by regular groups. We also have a PA system and projector available. More details on the booking page.

Rate Rise

The rate for the use of the hall will rise to £10 from 1st September

Extension to Hall and Car Park

We have succesfully applied for planning permission to extend the building and car park, more details available on the Lancaster City Council web site. We now need to secure funding and get the work done!

Lots happening!

We now have regular bookings for the art group, sewing group, pilates, tai chi, film club, cubs, scouts, and the parish council and of course the Friday coffee morning. At least one birthday party or similar most week-ends as well. It proves all the hard work over the last few years put into renovating the building has been worth it.

All Planned Building Works Complete

Back in 2019 we set ourselves a planned set of 7 significant refurbishments for the hall. We have now completed all of them.. Thanks go to all the people who have worked hard to achieve this. Its great to see the splendid new building be used by so many different groups. We are not resting on our laurels however, we are always thinking about further improvements that can be made. Suggestions welcome.

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