May 2024
Rates increasing
With the imminent end of our three year energy contract our costs for gas and electricty are inevitably going to rise. Partially as a result we have decided to increase our charges to £10 an hour from the first of September.
March 2024
Planned extension
We have received planning permission to build an extension to the hall to give us some much needed storage space. We now need to raise the funds to build it!
WiFi extended to the field
We were asked to extend the WiFi provision to cover the field. DONE!
January 2024
Film and Music Festival
Over the last week-end of January the Music Night and Film Society combined to put on a highly succesful series of events, and raising in the process a nearly £1000 for the Institute funds.
November 2023
Makers Market
On Saturday 18 November the second Silverdale Artisan Makers' Market took place at the Institute. Twelve invited makers displayed their varied work. Refreshments were sold in aid of the Morecambe Bay Foodbank and with some additional generous donations we raised £331.82

June 2023
Field Day Back In Style
It was great to see the field day back after a four year absence.
More photos in the gallery and on the
field day facebook page
January 2023
Painting Party
A team of Thrift Ladies and trustees used the quiet time at the institute for a spot of painting.
October 2022
In the Pink
The Thrift Ladies organised a fundraising event for Breast Cancer Now! and raised a splendid total of £1000.
David Brown's Funeral
David Brown, who had done so much to restore the Institute sadly passed away in October. He will be sadly missed but the splendidly refurbished Institue will stand as his memorial.
June 2022
Jubilee Party
Lots of people enjoyed a jubilee party organised at the last minute by Lorraine Greenall. Thanks Lorraine!
January 2022
New Outside Lights
We've updated the outside lights, and fitted a better fire alarm.
July 2021
New Blinds
Local curtain and blinds retailer Portabello have fitted some lovely new blinds. This was at the request of the film club so as to be able to keep the hall dark when required.
January 2021
New Floor - All Planned Building Works Complete
A new floor has been laid.
In 2019 the committee had a number of plans to improve the building and these are listed below. All of them have now been completed.
- Boiler replacement
- Roof repairs
- Kitchen refurbishment
- Ramp for entrance
- New disabled toilet
- Insulate Ceiling
- New Floor
Thanks go to all the people who have worked hard to achieve this. We look forward to welcoming you all back to enjoy the splendid new building.
Some recent views of the institute…